Glamour By Yashira Models

Glamour By Yashira Models
my models

Sunday, August 23, 2015

5 Coconut Oil Uses

Doesn’t it seem like every day, week, or month there is a new “it” product, and it’s getting hard to keep up?  I can tell you for certain that when it comes to all natural organic coconut oil, it’s truly miraculous! Not only that, but you won’t even begin to imagine the things you can use it for and the benefits you can get from it. As well as the unexpected uses for this wonder oil that will take your health and beauty routine to another level.

 1. Hair Mask

One of the hardest tasks is to find a Shampoo or hair product that isn’t full of chemicals and additives that will strip your hair of essential oil instead of nourishing and replenishing your hair strands, as they claim. That’s why so many are using coconut oil and have been for many years. Most oils just coat your hair in a thin layer of moisture and nourishment that doesn’t really penetrate the cuticle or make enough of a difference to justify using them. For luscious locks that are soft and super shiny, then coconut oil is the solution. It prevents hair loss with its vitamin content and keeps it super strong by protecting the protein.

ü  For the hair mask, simply grab about 1-2 tablespoons of the Coconut Oil (depending on hair density and length you may need 3-4) and start saturating your ends and go upwards to the root. Try avoiding a high concentration on your scalp, and instead allow for the oil to coat your strands and the ends. Let it sit for about an hour and wash it out, or you could place a shower cap over your head and sleep with it overnight, depending on how much your hair needs it (I sleep with it in my hair once a month).  As well as you could use this method in the shower. Allow it to absorb into your scalp for a few minutes, then rinse out and style as usual.

2. Make up Remover

Yes, simply using coconut oil to remove makeup is efficient. Especially for those who have sensitive skin, and can’t find a makeup remover that doesn’t irritate your face or make you break out. While wipes are easy and portable, they are frustrating and only to scrub so hard to still see mascara and liner on the face. Coconut Oil breaks up water-resistant substances used in eye shadow and mascara, releasing them from the skin and lashes.

ü  Take a teaspoon of coconut oil and place it on a cotton pad, and just gently wipe. You will want to rinse your face afterwards to remove the entire residue.  (Avoid getting it inside the eye)

3. Teeth Cleaner

A technique sometimes referred to as “oil pulling” and has been used for years. All you do is swish it in your mouth for about 10-20 minutes (I know seem long), spit it out (in trash, not sink so you don’t clog it), rinse with salt water, and brush those teeth normally. The Coconut Oil is what aides in eliminating the bacteria. The benefits of doing this are it can cure tooth decay, kills bad breath, soothes dry throat, prevents heart diseases, boost immune system, prevents cavities, etc.  It’s recommended at least 3-4x a week for best results.

4. Daily Moisturizer

Coconut Oil makes a great skin Moisturizer on its own, or blended if you prefer. I prefer alone. The benefits of the protein and nutrients being added to the skin are amazing. Coconut Oil is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, and can penetrate better than any other oils. It can help soothe eczema by applying daily to help soothe the pain and itch of the irritated skin and dry patches. Or, if you have dry and rough feet you can massage the oil into your feet and put on a pair of sock while you sleep. You could use the oil all over, oily skin I wouldn’t recommended using so much or doing it as often, now if you have dry skin I would say go for it.  Not mention you can use it to shave your legs!

5. Cooking & Eating

Of course, what other way! Some oils are unsafe to cook with at high temperatures; coconut oil is a great alternative. Coconut oil is trendy and consider and “superfood” but for some really good reasons, not only is it tasty but it is so jam packed with nutrients that are incredible for your health. According to some research, it is metabolized in a positive effect on people with brain disorders. It could also help keep your appetite in check without any dangerous supplements. You could consider putting it into your coffee, pouring it into stir fry, or hundreds of other recipes.   

 Although, it seems like Coconut Oil can’t get any better it can! You can just search ways to use it and will get hundreds of links! These are my tops 5 favorites. A little goes a long way, so considering grabbing one the next time you’re at your local grocery store. Hope you try these tips out, and if you do let me know how it goes for you!

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